Thursday, June 11, 2015

1:16 PM

GRE Verbal Challenge Question: # 13

Peculiarly enough, Shakespeare has been often (i) ______ as the best English language playwright, and often (ii) ______ as a man lacking the education to write those plays.

Blank (i)
A. Crowned
B. Stigmatized
C. Castigated

Blank (ii)
D. Demonized
E. Dismissed
F. Deified


Correct Choices: A , E

Crowned, dismissed. “Peculiarly enough” is the clue that indicates that the blanks oppose each other, and best English language playwright is the clue that tells you that the first blank must be positive, so the second blank must be negative. 

Crowned is the only positive word choice for the first blank. In the second blank, demonized is much too strong an attitude to direct towards someone for lacking education; dismissed is a more appropriate word.


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