How to find part time On-Campus job in US Universities ?
How do I get on campus job ? It is kind of a million dollar question if you are an international student and do not have any sort of funding…It is very important to have an on campus job, it gives you financial stability to pay for your expenses and may be save a little bit for tuition fee too.
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How to find part time On-Campus job in US Universities ? |
First important thing – Resume for On Campus job :
Irrespective of what your background, you have to prepare a one page resume. I am assuming most of you reading are coming to US for Masters. Just list your undergraduate GPA and list some of your projects done in Bachelors. If you have worked, list it under work experience. Try to highlight your student involvement. Most of the jobs on campus focus on good customer skills. Focus your resume on highlighting your customer experience. One good way is, You can say, I was part of an Organization as vice president or treasurer. You can also write, I was part of Cricket team. If you have any awards or accomplishments like Top in class, college, highlight them. Scholarships, etc. Also, if you have done anything in society like red cross or blood donation, focus on them. Overall, the goal should be to highlight your people skills. If you do not have any now, try to get involved in community now so that you can put in resume when you come up here. You may not need a resume in some situations like if you get by reference. But, it is good to have one. You might want to read this article on How to prepare a resume for On campus JobsEasy way to get a On Campus Job:
The easiest way to get an On campus job is to ask your seniors. Most of the jobs are given or passed on by this way. There is lot of internal politics involved here. If you think, there is too much politics, do not waste your time trying to kiss someone’s … There are better waysRegular way to get on Campus Job :
One of the regular ways is to go to Career center on campus and look for the on campus postings. There will be a careers website and they will be posted there too depending on the school. Guess what? Everyone knows this and there is high competition.Creative Way to get on Campus Job :
A very creative way to get on campus job is, join a bunch of student organizations and network with people. Ask them where they work on campus and get networked. It is quick and effective. You will have to be committed to student orgs. Do not join to get job. Join to get to know people and be involved. Job will follow you based on your work.[Related: 20+ On-Campus Student Jobs in US Universities ?]
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