Wednesday, August 14, 2013

10:27 AM




1. Solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).
2. to renounce upon oath
3. to reject solemnly

Imagine you've decided to give up a vice that you've been carrying with you for many years. It could be smoking, drinking, or gambling, or even something more innocuous, say, meat. But you're not just giving it up—you’re telling everyone you know that you are formally giving up your vice. So if you proclaim on facebook that you are now a vegetarian, doing so is an abjuration of your carnivore ways.

It’s hard to talk about abjure without mentioning adjure. Both are GRE words, but abjure is much more common (and that’s why it—and not adjure—is on the list). At the same time, you should not confuse the two meanings. Adjure means to earnestly urge or request someone to do something.

renounce, repudiate, forswear, abnegate, recant,abnegate, forswear (also foreswear), recant, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, take back, unsay, withdraw

adhere (to)

To set an example for his congregation, the pastor abjured using curse words, even avoiding G-rated words like “darn it.”

Example Sentences of ABJURE

1. abjured some long,held beliefs when she converted to another religion

2. a strict religious sect that abjures the luxuries, comforts, and conveniences of the modern world

3.abjured the realm.

4. The human rights group adjured the dictator to free the hostages.


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