Friday, September 18, 2015

5:37 PM

GRE Verbal Challenge Question #22

Fill in the blank in the way that best completes the text.

While it is tempting to think that artists like Picasso literally see the world in a markedly different way, examination of the artist’s creative process reveals _________ movement from roughly realist sketches toward his famous Cubist style through a series of ever more abstract steps.

a) an obsessive
b) an iterative
c) a random
d) a historical
e) a dicey


An iterative. The first part of the sentence suggests that the way Picasso sees the world is different from how it looks to you, while the second part tells you that his artistic process moves in stages from the way the world normally looks toward something called Cubism, which is in contrast to his “roughly realist” art. This means that the movement involves different, more and more abstract, iterations or versions of the same image, meaning that it is an iterative movement. Iterative means “involving repetition or reiteration.” Also, none of the other choices fit the idea of a movement that both takes place in steps and has a definite direction—it cannot be random or dicey, since it has a clear aim and structure. If you picked obsessive, watch out for inserting your own assumptions or opinions!

Correct Answer: (B) : An iterative

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