Sunday, September 20, 2015

11:18 PM

GRE Verbal Challenge #23: 

Though in her home country of Denmark the singer always enjoyed an outpouring of support verging on the (i) _________, she continues overseas to confront certain impediments to success — evidence, perhaps, that not all art is (ii) _________.

Blank (i)
a) Evanescent
b) Adulatory
c) Totalitarian

Blank (ii)
d) Fully decipherable
f) Universally translatable
g) Entirely tractable


If the singer enjoys an outpouring of support, we’d expect it to “verge” on extremely positive support—in this case, adulation, which means extreme adoration. But the fact that her art is not well received in other places means that it might not carry over, or translate, to those places. The two wrong answers for the second blank, which contain two words related to being “understandable” or “usable,” decipherable and tractable, are close, but do not capture the sense of artistic adaptation implied in the second clause.

Correct Choice(s) : B) Adulatory   E) Universally translatable

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