Monday, June 17, 2013

2:18 AM

Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

Anne was resolute about following a spiritual path, and consequently, she made a focused effort to divorce herself from _______ concerns.

A) plebeian
B) secular
C) pious
D) nebulous
E) temporal
F) nondescript

In this sentence, the word “consequently” is a straight-ahead road sign indicating that the second part of the sentence follows logically from the first. Because Anne is concerned with spiritual matters, she would logically want to divorce herself from worldly concerns. We can predict that the missing word will have a meaning similar to “worldly.” Answer choices (B)secular and (E)temporal both mean “worldly” or “material” and connote a lack of spiritual interest, so both these choices match our prediction and are correct.

Choice (A) plebeian means “working class,” which does not fit the context because there is no necessary contrast between spiritual concerns and a working-class lifestyle. Hence, choice (A) is incorrect. 

Choice (C) pious means “devout,” which connotes a strong interest in spiritual concerns and is thus the opposite of our prediction, so this choice is incorrect. 

Choices (D) nebulous and (F)nondescript both mean “vague or unclear,” and could potentially fit the context, but secular and temporal more obviously contrast with the idea of a “spiritual path,” so choices (D) and (F) are incorrect.

Choices (B) and (E) are the correct answers.


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