Sunday, May 3, 2015

2:17 PM

Verbal Challenge Question:

Ryan was very different from Thomas -- while the former habitually launched into ________ tirades, the latter spoke less often and more cogently.

A) Ingenuous
B) Perspicacious
C) Pellucid
D) Cryptic
E) Salacious

Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.


Correct Choice : (D)

Note contrasts in sentences -- in this case, between Ryan and Thomas. Since the blank addresses Ryan's character ("former" means first and "latter" means second), we can predict that the blank will be opposite of the words used to describe Thomas. Thomas "spoke less often" and "more cogently," or clearly. In contrast, a good prediction for this blank would be "obscure." 
Answer choice (D),cryptic, is a similar word. 

Choice (A), ingenuous, means childlike simplicity. 
Choice (B),perspicacious, means insightful.
Choice (C), pellucid, means very clear. 
Choice (E), salacious, means lustful. There are no clues to support salacious in the sentence


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