Sunday, January 18, 2015

4:11 PM

GRE Math Tips : Quantitative Comparison

Although the complexity of the GRE Math section only goes through Geometry/Algebra II, one type of question you may not be familiar with from your previous math classes is the GRE math Quantitative Comparison.

These questions ask you to compare two quantities – Quantity A and Quantity B – and then determine which of the following statements describes the comparison:

• Quantity A is greater.
• Quantity B is greater.
• The two quantities are equal.
• The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

There a few tips and tricks you can use to conquer the Quantitative Comparison questions:

1) The answer choices are always the same, so it would be worthwhile to memorize them. You will be choosing A if Quantity A is greater, B is Quantity B is larger, C if the two quantities are equal, and D if you can’t figure out a difference based on the given information. Do not be afraid to choose C or D. In some cases, those are the legitimate answers.

2) Instead of trying to solve or heavily simplify expressions, work with what you have. If one quantity is a decimal and the other is a fraction, only change one quantity into the format of the other quantity to make a comparison.

3) Don’t be afraid to plug in numbers. If the quantities contain unknowns, pick a number that works for the problem and plug it in. Just make sure you use the same number on both sides.

4) Geometric figures may or may not be drawn to scale. You may need to re-draw a figure to see it correctly.

5) All other math conventions and rules still apply with these question types.

On these questions, you will probably want to make use of your scratch paper. If you are relying on your calculator, you are probably not working as efficiently as possible. Through continued practice, you will develop your own personal methods for quickly attacking the quantitative comparison questions and do well on the GRE math section.


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