Tuesday, February 18, 2014

7:50 AM

Free Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test -1

Free Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test -1
Geometric figures, such as lines, circles, triangles, and quadrilaterals, may or may not be drawn to scale. That is, you should not assume that quantities such as lengths and angle measures are as they appear in a drawing. But you can assume that lines shown as straight are indeed straight, points on a line are in the order shown, and all geometric objects are in the relative positions shown. For questions involving drawn figures, base your answers on geometric reasoning rather than on estimation, measurement, or comparison by sight.
Coordinate systems, such as xy-planes and number lines, are drawn to scale. Therefore, you may read, estimate, and compare quantities in these figures by sight or by measurement.
Graphical data presentations, such as bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, are drawn to scale. Therefore, you may read, estimate, and compare data values by sight or by measurement.

Δ ABD and Δ CDB are right triangles.
1. Quantity Aw2 + x2
Quantity By2 + z2

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
2. Quantity Ax
Quantity By

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

3.In a certain accounting firm, there are exactly three types of employees: managerial, technical, and clerical. The firm has 120 employees, of whom 25 percent are managerial.
Quantity A: The number of managerial employees
Quantity B: Two-thirds of the number of clerical employees

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

4. Quantity A: (a + 1)(b + 1)
Quantity Bab +1

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

5. In the two-digit number jk, the value of the digit j is twice the value of the digit k.
Quantity Ak                           Quantity B: 6

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

6. Henry purchased x apples, and Jack purchased 10 apples fewer than one-third of the number of apples Henry purchased.
Quantity A: The number of apples Jack purchased
Quantity B:

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

P is the center of the circle, and the area of sector PQRS is 4.
7. Quantity A: The area of circle P
Quantity B: 4π

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

8. Quantity A: The volume of a rectangular solid with a length of 5 feet, a width of 4 feet, and a height of xfeet
Quantity B: The volume of a rectangular solid with a length of 10 feet, a width of 8 feet, and a height of yfeet

   Quantity A is greater.

   Quantity B is greater.

   The two quantities are equal.

   The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

9. In the figure shown above, what is x?






10. A producer must select a duo, consisting of one lead actor and one supporting actor, from six candidates. What is the number of possible duos the producer could select?

----------------- possible duos

11. Jane must select three different items for each dinner she will serve. The items are to be chosen from among five different vegetarian and four different meat selections. If at least one of the selections must be vegetarian, how many different dinners could Jane create?






12. A computer can perform 30 identical tasks in six hours. At that rate, what is the minimum number of computers that should be assigned to complete 80 tasks within three hours?

------------------- computers

13. Given a positive integer c, how many integers are greater than c and less than 2c?



    c− 1

    c− 2

    c + 1

14. If the ratio of 2a to b is 8 times the ratio of b to a, then
   could be which of the following?
Indicate all possible choices.

15. In the figure above, the area of Δ ABC is 35. What is the length of DC?


16. If 3m = 81, then m3 =






17. If 0 < x < 1, which of the following must be true?
Indicate all possible choices.

   2x < x

   2x < 1

   2x > 1

  x2 < x

  x2 < 1

Questions 18– 20 are based on the following graphs.

18. In 1995, how many of the categories shown had energy use greater than 150 million kilowatt-hours?






19. If the population of Country Y increased by 20 percent from 1990 to 1995, approximately what was the percent decrease in the per capita personal use of energy between those two years?






20. Which of the following can be inferred from the graphs? Choose all that apply.

   Farm use of energy increased between 1990 and 2010.

   In 2010, industrial use of energy was greater than industrial use of energy in 1995.

   The percentage of energy use by government in 2010 was at least three times the percentage of energy use by government in 1990.

   More kilowatt-hours of energy were used for farm purposes in 2005 than in 2000.

   The energy usage by type was most equally distributed over the four categories in 1990.

GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Test -1 : Answers



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