Kaplan Root List

Knowing roots can help you in two more ways. First, instead of learning one word at a time, you can learn a whole group of words that contain a certain root. They'll be related in meaning, so if you remember one, it will be easier for you to remember others. Second, roots can often help you decode an unknown GRE word. If you recognize a familiar root, you could get a good enough grasp of the word to answer the question.
A: without
amoral:neither moral nor immoralatheist:one who does not believe in Godatypical:not typicalanonymous:of unknown authorship or originapathy:lack of interest or emotionatrophy:the wasting away of body tissue anomaly:an irregularityagnostic:one who questions the existence of God
AB/ABS: off, away from, apart, down
abduct:to take by forceabhor:to hate, detestabolish:to do away with, make voidabstract:conceived apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instancesabnormal:deviating from a standardabdicate:to renounce or relinquish a throneabstinence:forbearance from any indulgence of appetite abstruse:hard to understand; secret, hidden
AC/ACR: sharp, bitter
acid:something that is sharp, sour, or ill-naturedacute:sharp at the end; ending in a pointacerbic:sour or astringent in taste; harsh in temperacrid:sharp or biting to the taste or smellacrimonious:caustic, stinging, or bitter in natureexacerbate:to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate
ACT/AG: to do; to drive; to force; to lead
agile:quick and well-coordinated in movement; active, livelyagitate:to move or force into violent, irregular actionlitigate:to make the subject of a lawsuitprodigal:wastefully or recklessly extravagantpedagogue:a teachersynagogue:a gathering or congregation of Jews for the purpose of religious worship
AD/AL: to, toward, near
adapt:adjust or modify fittinglyadjacent:near, close, or contiguous; adjoiningaddict:to give oneself over, as to a habit or pursuitadmire:to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approvaladdress:to direct a speech or written statement toadhere:to stick fast; cleave; clingadjoin:to be close or in contact withadvocate:to plead in favor of
AL/ALI/ALTER: other, another
alternative:a possible choicealias:an assumed name; another namealibi:the defense by an accused person that he or she was verifiably elsewhere at the time of the crime with which he or she is chargedalien:one born in another country; a foreigneralter ego:the second self; a substitute or deputyaltruist:a person unselfishly concerned for the welfare of othersallegory:figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another
AM: love
amateur:a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than financial or professional gainamatory:of or pertaining to lovers or lovemakingamenity:agreeable ways or mannersamorous:inclined to love, esp. sexual loveenamored:inflamed with love; charmed; captivatedamity:friendship; peaceful harmonyinamorata:a female loveramiable:having or showing agreeable personal qualitiesamicable:characterized by exhibiting good will
AMB: to go; to walk
ambient:moving freely; circulatingambitious:desirous of achieving or obtaining powerpreamble:an introductory statementambassador:an authorized messenger or representativeambulance:a wheeled vehicle equipped for carrying sick people, usually to a hospital ambulatory:of, pertaining to, or capable of walkingambush:the act of lying concealed so as to attack by surpriseperambulator:one who makes a tour of inspection on foot
AMBI/AMPH: both, more than one, around
ambiguous:open to various interpretationsamphibian:any cold-blooded vertebrate, the larva of which is aquatic and the adult of which is terrestrial; a person or thing having a twofold natureambidextrous:able to use both hands equally well
ANIM: of the life, mind, soul, spirit
unanimous:in complete accordanimosity:a feeling of ill will or enmity animus:hostile feeling or attitudeequanimity:mental or emotional stability, especially under tensionmagnanimous:generous in forgiving an insult or injury
annual:of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearlyanniversary:the yearly recurrence of the date of a past eventannuity:a specified income payable at stated intervalsperennial:lasting for an indefinite amount of time annals:a record of events, esp. a yearly record
ANTE: before
anterior:placed beforeantecedent:existing, being, or going beforeantedate:precede in timeantebellum:before the war (especially the American Civil War)antediluvian:belonging to the period before the biblical flood; very old or old-fashioned
ANTHRO/ANDR: man, human
anthropology:the science that deals with the origins of humankindandroid:robot; mechanical manmisanthrope:one who hates humans or humanityphilanderer:one who carries on flirtationsandrogynous:being both male and femaleandrogen:any substance that promotes masculine characteristicsanthropocentric:regarding humanity as the central fact of the universe
ANTI: against
antibody:a protein naturally existing in blood serum that reacts to overcome the toxic effects of an antigenantidote:a remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc.antiseptic:free from germs; particularly clean or neatantipathy:aversionantipodal:on the opposite side of the globe
APO: away
apology:an expression of one's regret or sorrow for having wronged anotherapostle:one of the 12 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach the gospelapocalypse:revelation; discovery; disclosureapogee:the highest or most distant pointapocryphal:of doubtful authorship or authenticityapostasy:a total desertion of one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc.
ARCH/ARCHI/ARCHY: chief, principal, ruler
architect:the devisor, maker, or planner of anythingarchenemy:chief enemymonarchy:a government in which the supreme power is lodged in a sovereignanarchy:a state or society without government or lawoligarchy:a state or society ruled by a select group
AUTO: self
automatic:self-moving or self-actingautocrat:an absolute rulerautonomy:independence or freedom
BE: to be; to have a particular quality; to exist
belittle:to regard something as less impressive than it apparently isbemoan:to express pity forbewilder:to confuse or puzzle completelybelie:to misrepresent; to contradict
BEL/BEL: war
antebellum:before the warrebel:a person who resists authority, control, or traditionbelligerent:warlike, given to waging war
BEN/BON: good
benefit:anything advantageous to a person or thingbenign:having a kindly dispositionbenediction:act of uttering a blessingbenevolent:desiring to do good to othersbonus:something given over and above what is duebona fide:in good faith; without fraud
BI: twice, double
binocular:involving two eyesbiennial:happening every two yearsbilateral:pertaining to or affecting two or both sidesbilingual:able to speak one's native language and another with equal facilitybipartisan:representing two parties
CAD/CID: to fall; to happen by chance
accident:happening by chance; unexpectedcoincidence:a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by chancedecadent:decaying; deterioratingcascade:a waterfall descending over a steep surfacerecidivist:one who repeatedly relapses, as into crime
accent:prominence of a syllable in terms of pronunciationchant:a song; singingenchant:to subject to magical influence; bewitchrecant:to withdraw or disavow a statementincantation:the chanting of words purporting to have magical powerincentive:that which incites action
CAP/CIP/CEPT: to take; to get
capture:to take by force or stratagemanticipate:to realize beforehand; foretaste or foreseesusceptible:capable of receiving, admitting, undergoing, or being affected by somethingemancipate:to free from restraintpercipient:having perception; discerning; discriminatingprecept:a commandment or direction given as a rule of conduct
CAP/CAPIT/CIPIT: head, headlong
capital:the city or town that is the official seat of governmentdisciple:one who is a pupil of the doctrines of anotherprecipitate:to hasten the occurrence of; to bring about prematurelyprecipice:a cliff with a vertical facecapitulate:to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated termscaption:a heading or title
cardiac:pertaining to the heartencourage:to inspire with spirit or confidenceconcord:agreement; peace, amitydiscord:lack of harmony between persons or things concordance:agreement, concord, harmony
CARN: flesh
carnivorous:eating fleshcarnage:the slaughter of a great number of peoplecarnival:a traveling amusement showreincarnation:rebirth of a soul in a new bodyincarnation:a being invested with a bodily form
cast:to throw or hurl; flingcaste:a hereditary social group, limited to people of the same rankcastigate:to punish in order to correctchastise:to discipline, esp. by corporal punishmentchaste:free from obscenity; decent
CED/CEED/CESS: to go; to yield; to stop
antecedent:existing, being, or going beforeconcede:to acknowledge as true, just, or proper; admitpredecessor:one who comes before another in an office, position, etc.cessation:a temporary or complete discontinuanceincessant:without stop
CENTR: center
concentrate:to bring to a common center; to converge, to direct toward one pointeccentric:off-centerconcentric:having a common center, as in circles or spherescentrifuge:an apparatus that rotates at high speed that separates substances of different densities using centrifugal force centrist:of or pertaining to moderate political or social ideas
CERN/CERT/CRET/CRIM/CRIT: to separate; to judge; to distinguish; to decide
discrete:detached from others, separateascertain:to make sure of; to determinecertitude:freedom from doubtdiscreet:judicious in one's conduct of speech, esp. with regard to maintaining silence about something of a delicate naturehypocrite:a person who pretends to have beliefs that she does notcriterion:a standard of judgment or criticism
CHRON: time
synchronize:to occur at the same time or agree in timechronology:the sequential order in which past events occurredanachronism:an obsolete or archaic formchronic:constant, habitualchronometer:a time piece with a mechanism to adjust for accuracy
CIRCU: around, on all sides
circumference:the outer boundary of a circular areacircumstances:the existing conditions or state of affairs surrounding and affecting an agentcircuit:the act of going or moving aroundcircumambulate:to walk about or aroundcircuitous:roundabout, indirect
CIS: to cut
scissors:cutting instrument for paperprecise:definitely stated or definedexorcise:to seek to expel an evil spirit by ceremonyincision:a cut, gash, or notchincisive:penetrating, cutting
CLA/CLO/CLU: shut, close
conclude:to bring to an end; finish; to terminateclaustrophobia:an abnormal fear of enclosed placesdisclose:to make known, reveal, or uncoverexclusive:not admitting of something else; shutting out otherscloister:a courtyard bordered with covered walks, esp. in a religious institution preclude:to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of
CLAIM/CLAM: to shout; to cry out
exclaim:to cry out or speak suddenly and vehementlyproclaim:to announce or declare in an official wayclamor:a loud uproardisclaim:to deny interest in or connection withreclaim:to claim or demand the return of a right or possession
CLI: to lean toward
decline:to cause to slope or incline downwardrecline:to lean backclimax:the most intense point in the development of somethingproclivity:inclination, biasdisinclination:aversion, distaste
CO/COL/COM/CON: with, together
connect:to bind or fasten togethercoerce:to compel by force, intimidation, or authoritycompatible:capable of existing together in harmonycollide:to strike one another with a forceful impactcollaborate:to work with another, cooperateconciliate:to placate, win overcommensurate:suitable in measure, proportionate
COUR/CUR: running; a course
recur:to happen againcurriculum:the regular course of studycourier:a messenger traveling in haste who bears newsexcursion:a short journey or tripcursive:handwriting in flowing strokes with the letters joined togetherconcur:to accord in opinion; agreeincursion:a hostile entrance into a place, esp. suddenlycursory:going rapidly over something; hasty; superficial
accrue:to be added as a matter of periodic gaincreation:the act of producing or causing to existincrease:to make greater in any respectincrement:something added or gained; an addition or increaseaccretion:an increase by natural growth
CRED: to believe; to trust
incredible:unbelievablecredentials:anything that provides the basis for beliefcredo:any formula of beliefcredulity:willingness to believe or trust too readilycredit:trustworthiness
CRYP: hidden
crypt:a subterranean chamber or vaultapocryphal:of doubtful authorship or authenticitycryptology:the science of interpreting secret writings, codes, ciphers, and the likecryptography:procedures of making and using secret writing
CUB/CUMB: to lie down
cubicle:any small space or compartment that is partitioned offsuccumb:to give away to superior force; yieldincubate:to sit upon for the purpose of hatchingincumbent:holding an indicated positionrecumbent:lying down; reclining; leaning
CULP: blame
culprit:a person guilty for an offenseculpable:deserving blame or censureinculpate:to charge with faultmea culpa:through my fault; my fault
DAC/DOC: to teach
doctor:someone licensed to practice medicine; a learned persondoctrine:a particular principle advocated, as of a government or religionindoctrinate:to imbue a person with learningdocile:easily managed or handled; tractabledidactic:intended for instruction
DE: away, off, down, completely, reversal
descend:to move from a higher to a lower placedecipher:to make out the meaning; to interpretdefile:to make foul, dirty, or uncleandefame:to attack the good name or reputation ofdeferential:respectful; to yield to judgment delineate:to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline
DEM: people
democracy:government by the peopleepidemic:affecting at the same time a large number of people, and spreading from person to personendemic:peculiar to a particular people or localitypandemic:general, universaldemographics:vital and social statistics of populations
DI/DIA: apart, through
dialogue:conversation between two or more personsdiagnose:to determine the identity of something from the symptomsdilate:to make wider or larger; to cause to expanddilatory:inclined to delay or procrastinatedichotomy:division into two parts, kinds, etc.
DIC/DICT/DIT: to say; to tell; to use words
dictionary:a book containing a selection of the words of a languagepredict:to tell in advanceverdict:judgment, decreeinterdict:to forbid; prohibit
DIGN: worth
dignity:nobility or elevation of character; worthinessdignitary:a person who holds a high rank or officedeign:to think fit or in accordance with one's dignitycondign:well deserved; fitting; adequatedisdain:to look upon or treat with contempt
DIS/DIF: away from, apart, reversal, not
disperse:to drive or send off in various directionsdisseminate:to scatter or spread widely; promulgate dissipate:to scatter wastefully dissuade:to deter by advice or persuasiondiffuse:to pour out and spread, as in a fluid
DOG/DOX: opinion
orthodox:sound or correct in opinion or doctrineparadox:an opinion or statement contrary to accepted opiniondogma:a system of tenets, as of a church
DOL: suffer, pain
condolence:expression of sympathy with one who is sufferingindolence:a state of being lazy or slothfuldoleful:sorrowful, mournfuldolorous:full of pain or sorrow, grievous
DON/DOT/DOW: to give
donate:to present as a gift or contributionpardon:kind indulgence, forgivenessantidote:something that prevents or counteracts ill effectsanecdote:a short narrative about an interesting event endow:to provide with a permanent fund
DUB: doubt
DUC/DUCT: to lead
abduct:to carry off or lead awayconduct:personal behavior, way of actingconducive:contributive, helpfulinduce:to lead or move by influenceinduct:to install in a position with formal ceremoniesproduce:to bring into existence; give cause to
DUR: hard
endure:to hold out against; to sustain without yieldingdurable:able to resist decayduress:compulsion by threat, coerciondour:sullen, gloomyduration:the length of time something exists
DYS: faulty, abnormal
dystrophy:faulty or inadequate nutrition or developmentdyspepsia:impaired digestiondyslexia:an impairment of the ability to read due to a brain defectdysfunctional:poorly functioning
E/EF/EX: out, out of, from, former, completely
evade:to escape from, avoidexclude:to shut out; to leave outextricate:to disentangle, releaseexonerate:to free or declare free from blameexpire:to come to an end, cease to be validefface:to rub or wipe out; surpass, eclipse
EPI: upon
epidemic:affecting a large number of people at the same time and spreading from person to personepilogue:a concluding part added to a literary workepidermis:the outer layer of the skinepigram:a witty or pointed saying tersely expressedepithet:a word or phrase, used invectively as a term of abuse
EQU: equal, even
equation:the act of making equaladequate:equal to the requirement or occasionequidistant:equally distantiniquity:gross injustice; wickedness
ERR: to wander
err:to go astray in thought or belief, to be mistakenerror:a deviation from accuracy or correctnesserratic:deviating from the proper or usual course in conduct arrant:downright, thorough, notorious
ESCE: becoming
adolescent:between childhood and adulthoodobsolescent:becoming obsoleteincandescent:glowing with heat, shiningconvalescent:recovering from illnessreminiscent:reminding or suggestive of
EU: good, well
euphemism:pleasant-sounding term for something unpleasanteulogy:speech or writing in praise or commendationeugenics:improvement of qualities of race by control of inherited characteristicseuthanasia:killing a person painlessly, usually one who has an incurable, painful diseaseeuphony:pleasantness of sound
EXTRA: outside, beyond
extraordinary:beyond the ordinaryextract:to take out, obtain against a person's willextradite:to hand over (person accused of crime) to state where crime was committedextrasensory:derived by means other than known sensesextrapolate:to estimate (unknown facts or values) from known data
FAB/FAM: speak
fable:fictional tale, esp. legendaryaffable:friendly, courteousineffable:too great for description in words; that which must not be utteredfamous:well known, celebrateddefame:attack good name of
FAC/FIC/FIG/FAIT/FEIT/FY: to do; to make
factory:building for manufacture of goodsfaction:small dissenting group within larger one, esp. in politicsdeficient:incomplete or insufficientprolific:producing many offspring or much outputconfiguration:manner of arrangement, shaperatify:to confirm or accept by formal consenteffigy:sculpture or model of personcounterfeit:imitation, forgery
FER: to bring; to carry; to bear
offer:to present for acceptance, refusal, or considerationconfer:to grant, bestowreferendum:to vote on political question open to the entire electorateproffer:to offerproliferate:to reproduce; produce rapidly
FERV: to boil; to bubble
fervor:passion, zealfervid:ardent, intenseeffervescent:with the quality of giving off bubbles of gas
FID: faith, trust
confide:to entrust with a secretaffidavit:written statement on oathfidelity:faithfulness, loyaltyfiduciary:of a trust; held or given in trustinfidel:disbeliever in the supposed true religion
FIN: end
final:at the end; coming lastconfine:to keep or restrict within certain limits; imprisondefinitive:decisive, unconditional, finalinfinite:boundless; endlessinfinitesimal:infinitely or very small
FLAG/FLAM: to burn
flammable:easily set on fireflambeau:a lighted torchflagrant:blatant, scandalousconflagration:a large destructive fire
FLECT/FLEX: to bend
deflect:to bend or turn aside from a purposeflexible:able to bend without breakinginflect:to change or vary pitch ofreflect:to throw backgenuflect:to bend knee, esp. in worship
FLU/FLUX: to flow
fluid:substance, esp. gas or liquid, capable of flowing freelyfluctuation:something that varies, rising and fallingeffluence:flowing out of (light, electricity, etc.)confluence:merging into onemellifluous:pleasing, musical
FORE: before
foresight:care or provision for futureforeshadow:be warning or indication of (future event)forestall:to prevent by advance actionforthright:straightforward, outspoken, decisive
FORT: chance
fortune:chance or luck in human affairsfortunate:lucky, auspiciousfortuitous:happening by luck
FORT: strength
fortify:to provide with fortifications; strengthenfortissimo:very loudforte:strong point; something a person does well
fracture:breakage, esp. of a bonefragment:a part broken offfractious:irritable, peevishrefractory:stubborn, unmanageable, rebelliousinfringe:to break or violate (a law, etc.)
FUS: to pour
profuse:lavish, extravagant, copiousfusillade:continuous discharge of firearms or outburst of criticismsuffuse:to spread throughout or over from withindiffuse:to spread widely or thinlyinfusion:infusing; liquid extract so obtained
GEN: birth, creation, race, kind
generous:giving or given freelygenetics:study of heredity and variation among animals and plantsgender:classification roughly corresponding to the two sexes and sexlessnesscarcinogenic:producing cancercongenital:existing or as such from birthprogeny:offspring, descendantsmiscegenation:interbreeding of races
GN/GNO: know
agnostic:person who believes that the existence of God is not provableignore:to refuse to take notice ofignoramus:a person lacking knowledge, uninformedrecognize:to identify as already knownincognito:with one's name or identity concealedprognosis:to forecast, especially of diseasediagnose:to make an identification of disease or fault from symptoms
GRAD/GRESS: to step
progress:forward movementaggressive:given to hostile act or feelingdegrade:to humiliate, dishonor, reduce to lower rankdigress:to depart from main subjectegress:going out; way outregress:to move backward, revert to an earlier state
GRAT: pleasing
grateful:thankfulingratiate:to bring oneself into favorgratuity:money given for good servicegracious:kindly, esp. to inferiors; merciful
HER/HES: to stick
coherent:logically consistent; having waves in phase and of one wavelengthadhesive:tending to remain in memory; sticky; an adhesive substanceinherent:involved in the constitution or essential character of somethingadherent:able to adhere; believer or advocate of a particular thingheredity:the qualities genetically derived from one's ancestors and the transmission of those qualities
(H)ETERO: different
heterosexual:of or pertaining to sexual orientation toward members of the opposite sex; relating to different sexesheterogeneous:of other origin: not originating in the bodyheterodox:different from acknowledged standard; holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines
(H)OM: same
homogeneous:of the same or a similar kind of nature; of uniform structure of composition throughouthomonym:one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaninghomosexual:of, relating to, or exhibiting sexual desire toward a member of one's own sexanomaly:deviation from the common rulehomeostasis:a relatively stable state of equilibrium
HYPER: over, excessive
hyperactive:excessively activehyperbole:purposeful exaggeration for effecthyperglycemia:an abnormally high concentration of sugar in the blood
HYPO: under, beneath, less than
hypodermic:relating to the parts beneath the skinhypochondriac:one affected by extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary physical ailmentshypocritical:affecting virtues or qualities one does not havehypothesis:assumption subject to proof
IDIO: one's own
idiot:an utterly stupid personidiom:a language, dialect, or style of speaking particular to a peopleidiosyncrasy:peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity
IM/IN/EM/EN: in, into
embrace:to clasp in the arms; to include or containenclose:to close in on all sidesintrinsic:belonging to a thing by its very natureinflux:the act of flowing in; inflowimplicit:not expressly stated; impliedincarnate:given a bodily, esp. a human, formindigenous:native; innate, natural
IM/IN: not, without
inactive:not activeinnocuous:not harmful or injuriousindolence:showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothfulimpartial:not partial or biased; justindigent:deficient in what is requisite
INTER: between, among
interstate:connecting or jointly involving statesinterim:a temporary or provisional arrangement; meantimeinterloper:one who intrudes in the domain of othersintermittent:stopping or ceasing for a timeintersperse:to scatter here and there
JECT: to throw; to throw down
inject:to place (quality, etc.) where needed in somethingdejected:sad, depressedeject:to throw out, expelconjecture:formation of opinion on incomplete informationabject:utterly hopeless, humiliating, or wretched
JOIN/JUNCT: to meet; to join
junction:the act of joining; combiningadjoin:to be next to and joined withsubjugate:to conquerrejoinder:to reply, retortjunta:(usually military) clique taking power after a coup d'é tat
JUR: to swear
perjury:willful lying while on oathabjure:to renounce on oathadjure:to beg or command
LAV/LUT/LUV: to wash
lavatory:a room with equipment for washing hands and facedilute:to make thinner or weaker by the addition of waterpollute:to make foul or uncleandeluge:a great flood of waterantediluvian:before the biblical flood; extremely old ablution:act of cleansing
LECT/LEG: to select, to choose
collect:to gather together or assembleelect:to choose; to decideselect:to choose with careeclectic:selecting ideas, etc. from various sourcespredilection:preference, liking
LEV: lift, light, rise
relieve:to mitigate; to free from a burdenalleviate:to make easier to endure, lessenrelevant:bearing on or pertinent to information at handlevee:embankment against river floodinglevitate:to rise in the air or cause to riselevity:humor, frivolity, gaiety
LOC/LOG/LOQU: word, speech
dialogue:conversation, esp. in a literary workelocution:art of clear and expressive speakingprologue:introduction to poem, play, etc.eulogy:speech or writing in praise of someonecolloquial:of ordinary or familiar conversationgrandiloquent:pompous or inflated in languageloquacious:talkative
LUC/LUM/LUS: light
illustrate:to make intelligible with examples or analogiesilluminate:to supply or brighten with lightillustrious:highly distinguishedtranslucent:permitting light to pass throughlackluster:lacking brilliance or radiancelucid:easily understood, intelligibleluminous:bright, brilliant, glowing
LUD/LUS: to play
allude:to refer casually or indirectly illusion:something that deceives by producing a false impression of realityludicrous:ridiculous, laughabledelude:to mislead the mind or judgment of, deceiveelude:to avoid capture or escape defection byprelude:a preliminary to an action, event, etc.
magnify:to increase the apparent size ofmagnitude:greatness of size, extent, or dimensionsmaximum:the highest amount, value, or degree attainedmagnate:a powerful or influential personmagnanimous:generous in forgiving an insult or injurymaxim:an expression of general truth or principle
MAL/MALE: bad, ill, evil, wrong
malfunction:failure to function properlymalicious:full of or showing malicemalign:to speak harmful untruths about, to slandermalady:a disorder or disease of the bodymaladroit:clumsy, tactlessmalapropism:humorous misuse of a wordmalfeasance:misconduct or wrongdoing often committed by a public officialmalediction:a curse
MAN: hand
manual:operated by handmanufacture:to make by hand or machineryemancipate:to free from bondagemanifest:readily perceived by the eye or the understandingmandate:an authoritative order or command
MIN: small
minute:a unit of time equal to one-sixtieth of an hour, or sixty secondsminutiae:small or trivial detailsminiature:a copy or model that represents something in greatly reduced sizediminish:to lessendiminution:the act or process of diminishing
MIN: to project, to hang over
eminent:towering above others; projectingimminent:about to occur; impendingprominent:projecting outwardpreeminent:superior to or notable above all others minatory:menacing, threatening
MIS/MIT: to send
transmit:to send from one person, thing, or place to anotheremissary:a messenger or agent sent to represent the interests of anotherintermittent:stopping and starting at intervalsremit:to send moneyremission:a lessening of intensity or degree
MISC: mixed
miscellaneous:made up of a variety of parts or ingredientsmiscegenation:the interbreeding of races, esp. marriage between white and nonwhite personspromiscuous:consisting of diverse and unrelated parts or individuals
MON/MONIT: to remind; to warn
monument:a structure, such as a building, tower, or sculpture, erected as a memorialmonitor:one that admonishes, cautions, or remindssummon:to call together; conveneadmonish:to counsel against something; cautionremonstrate:to say or plead in protect, objection, or reproofpremonition:forewarning, presentiment
MORPH: shape
amorphous:without definite form; lacking a specific shapemetamorphosis:a transformation, as by magic or sorceryanthropomorphism:attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena
MORT: death
immortal:not subject to deathmorbid:susceptible to preoccupation with unwholesome mattersmoribund:dying, decaying
MUT: change
commute:to substitute; exchange; interchangemutation:the process of being changedtransmutation:the act of changing from one form into anotherpermutation:a complete change; transformationimmutable:unchangeable, invariable
NAT/NAS/NAI: to be born
natural:present due to nature, not to artificial or man-made meansnative:belonging to one by nature; inborn; innatenaive:lacking worldliness and sophistication; artlesscognate:related by blood; having a common ancestorrenaissance:rebirth, esp. referring to culturenascent:starting to develop
innocent:uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoingnoxious:injurious or harmful to health or moralsobnoxious:highly disagreeable or offensiveinnocuous:having no adverse effect; harmless
NOM: rule, order
astronomy:the scientific study of the universe beyond the eartheconomy:the careful or thrifty use of resources, as of income, materials, or laborgastronomy:the art or science of good eatingtaxonomy:the science, laws, or principles of classificationautonomy:independence, self-governance
synonym:a word having a meaning similar to that of another word of the same language anonymous:having an unknown or unacknowledged namenominal:existing in name only; negligiblenominate:to propose by name as a candidatenomenclature:a system of names; systematic namingacronym:a word formed from the initial letters of a name
NOUNC/NUNC: to announce
announce:to proclaimpronounce:to articulaterenounce:to give up, especially by formal announcement
novice:a person new to any field or activityrenovate:to restore to an earlier conditioninnovate:to begin or introduce something newneologism:a newly coined word, phrase, or expressionneophyte:a recent convertnouveau riche:one who has lately become rich
OB/OC/OF/OP: toward, to, against, over
obese:extremely fat, corpulentobstinate:stubbornly adhering to an idea, inflexibleobstruct:to block or fill with obstaclesoblique:having a slanting or sloping directionobstreperous:noisily defiant, unrulyobtuse:not sharp, pointed, or acute in any formobfuscate:to render indistinct or dim; darkenobsequious:overly submissive
OMNI: all
omnibus:an anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjectsomnipresent:everywhere at one timeomnipotent:all powerfulomniscient:having infinite knowledge
PAC/PEAC: peace
appease:to bring peace topacify:to ease the anger or agitation ofpacifier:something or someone that eases the anger or agitation ofpact:a formal agreement, as between nations
PAN: all, everyone
panorama:an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive areapanegyric:formal or elaborate praise at an assemblypanoply:a wide-ranging and impressive array or displaypantheon:a public building containing tombs or memorials of the illustrious dead of a nationpandemic:widespread, general, universal
PAR: equal
par:an equality in value or standingparity:equally, as in amount, status, or characterapartheid:any system or caste that separates people according to race, etc.disparage:to belittle, speak disrespectfully aboutdisparate:essentially different
PARA: next to, beside
parallel:extending in the same directionparasite:an organism that lives on or within a plant or animal of another species, from which it obtains nutrientsparody:to imitate for purposes of satireparable:a short, allegorical story designed to illustrate a moral lesson or religious principle paragon:a model of excellenceparanoid:suffering from a baseless distrust of others
PAS/PAT/ PATH: feeling, suffering, disease
sympathy:harmony or agreement in feelingempathy:the identification with the feelings or thoughts of otherscompassion:a feeling of deep sympathy for someone struck by misfortune, accompanied by a desire to alleviate sufferingdispassionate:devoid of personal feeling or biasimpassive:showing or feeling no emotionsociopath:a person whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibilitypathogenic:causing disease
PAU/PO/POV/PU: few, little, poor
poverty:the condition of being poorpaucity:smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantinesspauper:a person without any personal means of supportimpoverish:to depletepusillanimous:lacking courage or resolutionpuerile:childish, immature
PED: child, education
pedagogue:a teacherpediatrician:a doctor who primarily has children as patientspedant:one who displays learning ostentatiouslyencyclopedia:book or set of books containing articles on various topics, covering all branches of knowledge or of one particular subject
PED/POD: foot
pedal:a foot-operated lever or part used to controlpedestrian:a person who travels on footexpedite:to speed up the progress ofimpede:to retard progress by means of obstacles or hindrancespodium:a small platform for an orchestra conductor, speaker, etc.antipodes:places diametrically opposite each other on the globe
PEN/PUN: to pay; to compensate
penal:of or pertaining to punishment, as for crimespenalty:a punishment imposed for a violation of law or rulepunitive:serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishmentpenance:a punishment undergone to express regret for a sinpenitent:contrite
PEND/PENS: to hang; to weight; to pay
depend:to rely; to place trust instipend:a periodic payment; fixed or regular paycompensate:to counterbalance, offsetindispensable:absolutely necessary, essential, or requisiteappendix:supplementary material at the end of a textappendage:a limb or other subsidiary part that diverges from the central structure
PER: completely
persistent:lasting or enduring tenaciouslyperforate:to make a way through or into somethingperplex:to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understoodperuse:to read with thoroughness or careperfunctory:performed merely as routine dutypertinacious:resoluteperspicacious:shrewd, astute
PERI: around
perimeter:the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figureperiscope:an optical instrument for seeing objects in an obstructed field of visionperipatetic:walking or traveling about; itinerant
PET/PIT: to go; to seek; to strive
appetite:a desire for food or drinkcompete:to strive to outdo another for acknowledgmentpetition:a formally drawn request soliciting some benefitcentripetal:moving toward the centerimpetuous:characterized by sudden or rash action or emotionpetulant:showing sudden irritation, esp. over some annoyance
PHIL: love
philosophy:the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conductphilatelist:one who loves or collects postage stampsphilology:the study of literary texts to establish their authenticity and determine their meaningbibliophile:one who loves or collects books
PLAC: to please
placid:pleasantly calm or peacefulplacebo:a substance with no pharmacological effect which acts to placate a patient who believes it to be a medicineimplacable:unable to be pleasedcomplacent:self-satisfied, unconcernedcomplaisant:inclined or disposed to please
PLE: to fill
complete:having all parts or elementsdeplete:to decrease seriously or exhaust the supply ofsupplement:something added to supply a deficiencyimplement:an instrument, tool, or utensil for accomplishing workreplete:abundantly suppliedplethora:excess, overabundance
PLEX/PLIC/PLY: to fold, twist, tangle, or bend
complex:composed of many interconnected partsreplica:any close copy or reproductionimplicit:not expressly stated, impliedimplicate:to show to be involved, usually in an incriminating mannerduplicity:deceitfulness in speech or conduct, double-dealing supplicate:to make humble and earnest entreaty
PON/POS/POUND: to put; to place
component:a constituent part, elemental ingredientexpose:to lay open to danger, attack, or harmexpound:to set forth in detailjuxtapose:to place close together or side by side, esp. for contractrepository:a receptacle or place where things are deposited
PORT: to carry
import:to bring in from a foreign countryexport:to transmit abroadportable:easily carrieddeportment:conduct, behaviordisport:to divert or amuse oneselfimportune:to urge or press with excessive persistence
POST: after
posthumous:after deathposterior:situated at the rear posterity:succeeding in future generations collectivelypost facto:after the fact
PRE: before
precarious:dependent on circumstances beyond one's controlprecocious:unusually advanced or mature in mental development or talentpremonition:a feeling of anticipation over a future eventpresentiment:forebodingprecedent:an act that serves as an example for subsequent situationsprecept:a commandment given as a rule of action or conduct
PREHEND/PRISE: to take; to get; to seize
surprise:to strike with an unexpected feeling of wonder or astonishmententerprise:a project undertakenreprehensible:deserving rebuke or censurecomprise:to include or containreprisals:retaliation against an enemy apprehend:to take into custody
PRO: much, for, a lot
prolific:highly fruitfulprofuse:spending or giving freelyprodigal:wastefully or recklessly extravagantprodigious:extraordinary in size, amount, or extentproselytize:to convert or attempt to recruitpropound:to set forth for considerationprovident:having or showing foresight
PROB: to prove; to test
probe:to search or examine thoroughlyapprobation:praise, considerationopprobrium:the disgrace incurred by shameful conductreprobate:a depraved or wicked personproblematic:questionableprobity:honesty, high-mindedness
PUG: to fight
pugnacious:to quarrel or fight readilyimpugn:to challenge as falserepugnant:objectionable or offensivepugilist:a fighter or boxer
PUNC/PUNG/POIGN: to point; to prick
point:a sharp or tapering endpuncture:the act of piercingpungent:caustic or sharply expressivecompunction:a feeling of uneasiness for doing wrongpunctilious:strict or exact in the observance of formalitiesexpunge:to erase, eliminate completely
QUE/QUIS: to seek
acquire:to come into possession ofexquisite:of special beauty or charmconquest:vanquishmentinquisitive:given to research, eager for knowledgequery:a question, inquiryquerulous:full of complaintsperquisite:a gratuity, tip
QUI: quiet
quiet:making little or no sounddisquiet:lack of calm or peacetranquil:free from commotion or tumultacquiesce:to comply, give inquiescence:the condition of being at rest, still, inactive
RID/RIS: to laugh
riddle:a conundrumderision:the act of mockeryrisible:causing laughter
ROG: to ask
interrogate:to ask questions of, esp. formallyarrogant:making claims to superior importance or rightsabrogate:to abolish by formal meanssurrogate:a person appointed to act for anotherderogatory:belittling, disparagingarrogate:to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously
sacred:devoted or dedicated to a deity or religious purposesacrifice:the offering of some living or inanimate thing to a deity in homagesanctify:to make holysanction:authoritative permission or approvalexecrable:abominablesacrament:something regarded as possessing sacred charactersacrilege:the violation of anything sacred
SAL/SIL/SAULT/SULT: to leap, to jump
insult:to treat with contemptuous rudenessassault:a sudden or violent attacksomersault:to roll the body end over end, making a complete revolutionsalient:prominent or conspicuousresilient:able to spring back to an original form after compressioninsolent:boldly rude or disrespectfulexult:to show or feel triumphant joydesultory:at random, unmethodical
SCI: to know
conscious:aware of one's own existenceconscience:the inner sense of what is right or wrong, impelling one toward right actionunconscionable:unscrupulousomniscient:knowing everythingprescient:having knowledge of things before they happen
SCRIBE/SCRIP: to write
scribble:to write hastily or carelesslydescribe:to tell or depict in wordsscript:handwritingpostscript:any addition or supplement proscribe:to condemn as harmful or odiousascribe:to credit or assign, as to a cause or courseconscription:drafttranscript:a written or typed copy circumscribe:to draw a line around
SE: apart
select:to choose in preference to anotherseparate:to keep apart, divideseduce:to lead astraysegregate:to separate or set apart from otherssecede:to withdraw formally from an associationsequester:to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirementsedition:incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government
SEC/SEQU: to follow
second:next after the firstprosecute:to seek to enforce by legal processsequence:the following of one thing after anotherobsequious:fawningnon sequitur:an inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises
SED/SESS/SID: to sit; to be still; to plan; to plot
preside:to exercise management or controlresident:a person who lives in a placesediment:the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquiddissident:disagreeing, as in opinion or attituderesidual:remaining, leftoversubsidiary:serving to assist or supplementinsidious:intended to entrap or beguileassiduous:diligent, persistent, hardworking
SENS/SENT: to feel; to be aware
sense:any of the faculties by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating outside the bodysensory:of or pertaining to the senses or sensationsentiment:an attitude or feeling toward somethingpresentiment:a feeling that something is about to happendissent:to differ in opinion, esp. from the majorityresent:to feel or show displeasuresentinel:a person or thing that stands watchinsensate:without feeling or sensitivity
SOL: to loosen; to free
dissolve:to make a solution of, as by mixing in a liquidsoluble:capable of being dissolved or liquefiedresolution:a formal expression of opinion or intention madedissolution:the act or process of dissolving into parts or elementsdissolute:indifferent to moral restraintsabsolution:forgiveness for wrongdoing
SPEC/SPIC/SPIT: to look; to see
perspective:one's mental view of facts, ideas, and their interrelationshipsspeculation:the contemplation or consideration of some subjectsuspicious:inclined to suspectspectrum:a broad range of related things that form a continuous seriesretrospective:contemplative of past situationscircumspect:watchful and discreet, cautiousperspicacious:having keen mental perception and understandingconspicuous:easily seen or noticed; readily observablespecious:deceptively attractive
STA/STI: to stand; to be in place
static:of bodies or forces at rest or in equilibrium destitute:without means of subsistenceobstinate:stubbornly adhering to a purpose, opinion, or course of actionconstitute:to make upstasis:the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forcesapostasy:renunciation of an object of one's previous loyalty
SUA: smooth
suave:smoothly agreeable or politepersuade:to encourage; to convincedissuade:to deter assuage:to make less severe, ease, relieve
SUB/SUP: below
submissive:inclined or ready to submitsubsidiary:serving to assist or supplementsubliminal:existing or operating below the threshold of confidencesubtle:thin, tenuous, or rarefiedsubterfuge:an artifice or expedient used to evade a rulesupposition:the act of assuming
SUPER/SUR: above
surpass:to go beyond in amount, extent, or degreesuperlative:the highest kind or ordersupersede:to replace in power, as by another person or thingsupercilious:arrogant, haughty, condescendingsuperfluous:extra, more than necessarysurmount:to get over or across, to prevailsurveillance:a watch kept over someone or something
TAC/TIC: to be silent
reticent:disposed to be silent or not to speak freelytacit:unspoken understandingtaciturn:uncommunicative
detain:to keep from proceedingpertain:to have reference or relationtenacious:holding fastabstention:the act of refraining voluntarilytenure:the holding or possessing of anythingtenable:capable of being held, maintained, or defendedsustenance:nourishment, means of livelihoodpertinacious:persistent, stubborn
TEND/TENS/TENT/TENU: to stretch; to thin
tension:the act of stretching or strainingtentative:of the nature of, or done as a trial, attempttendentious:having a predisposition towards a point of viewdistend:to expand by stretchingattenuate:to weaken or reduce in forceextenuating:making less serious by offering excusescontentious:quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent
THEO: god
atheist:one who does not believe in a deity or divine system theocracy:a form of government in which a deity is recognized as the supreme rulertheology:the study of divine things and the divine faithapotheosis:glorification, glorified ideal
TRACT: to drag; to pull; to draw
tractor:a powerful vehicle used to pull farm machineryattract:to draw either by physical force or by an appeal to emotions or sensescontract:a legally binding documentdetract:to take away from, esp. a positive thingabstract:to draw or pull away, removetractable:easily managed or controlledprotract:to prolong, draw out, extend
TRANS: across
transaction:the act of carrying on or conduct to a conclusion or settlementtransparent:easily seen through, recognized, or detectedtransition:a change from one way of being to anothertransgress:to violate a law, command, or moral codetranscendent:going beyond ordinary limitsintransigent:refusing to agree or compromise
US/UT: to use
abuse:to use wrongly or improperlyusage:a customary way of doing somethingusurp:to seize and holdutilitarian:efficient, functional, useful
VEN/VENT: to come or to move toward
convene:to assemble for some public purposeventuresome:showing a disposition to undertake risksintervene:to come between disputing factions, mediatecontravene:to come into conflict withadventitious:accidental
VER: truth
verdict:any judgment or decisionveracious:habitually truthfulverity:truthfulnessverisimilitude:the appearance or semblance of truthaver:to affirm, to declare to be true
VERD: green
verdant:green with vegetation; inexperiencedverdure:fresh, rich vegetation
VERS/VERT: to turn
controversy:a public dispute involving a matter of opinionrevert:to return to a former habitdiverse:of a different kind, form, characteraversion:dislikeintrovert:a person concerned primarily with inner thoughts and feelingsextrovert:an outgoing personinadvertent:unintentionalcovert:hidden, clandestineavert:to turn away from
VI: life
vivid:strikingly bright or intensevicarious:performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of anotherviable:capable of livingvivacity:the quality of being lively, animated, spiritedjoie de vivre:joy of life (French expression)convivial:sociable
VID/VIS: to see
evident:plain or clear to the sight or understandingvideo:the elements of television pertaining to the transmission or reception of the imageadviser:one who gives counselsurvey:to view in a general or comprehensive wayvista:a view or prospect
VIL: base, mean
vilify:to slander, to defamerevile:to criticize with harsh languagevile:loathsome, unpleasant
VOC/VOK: to call
vocabulary:the stock of words used by or known to a particular person or group advocate:to support or urge by argumentequivocate:to use ambiguous or unclear expressionsvocation:a particular occupationavocation:something one does in addition to a principle occupationvociferous:crying out noisilyconvoke:to call togetherinvoke:to call on a deity
VOL: to wish
voluntary:undertaken of one's own accord or by free choicemalevolent:characterized by or expressing bad willbenevolent:characterized by or expressing goodwillvolition:free choice, free will; act of choosing
VOR: to eat
voracious:having a great appetitecarnivorous:meat-eatingomnivorous:eating or absorbing everything
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